Prospect's Garden IV
My flower bed has sprung some sprouts! I put a variety of annuals in this bed and they seem to be doing well.

My flower bed has sprung some sprouts! I put a variety of annuals in this bed and they seem to be doing well. Today I put some fertilizer and mulch down. just to have some cut flowers around. It faces the dining room windows. Hopefully, I will be able to look out on nice bunches of flowers sometime this summer.
Here are my beds. There are three now; I added an extra one a few weeks ago because I realized I had run out of room for my tomatoes and hot peppers and pole beans. So, one more bed! But I did not use compost in this one and you can really tell the difference. The soil does not drain as well and these veggies are growing much slower. Also, I made a blunder when planting my peppers next to my tomatoes which are next to my beans. The tomatoes are shading the beans 🙁 Also, the tomatoes need lots of water, but the hot peppers do not. Since the water does not drain well, it is rotting my hot peppers!