As the Burgh Turns
The Civic Arena is looking more like a post-apocalyptic film set than a playoff hockey rink. It’s it hard to believe that I once saw a dog show inside that crater.

The Civic Arena is looking more like a post-apocalyptic film set than a playoff hockey rink. It’s it hard to believe that I once saw a dog show inside that crater. In younger days, I played a frantically screaming extra in the movie Sudden Death for a scene inside that dome. Don’t look fir me in the background. Even though I’ve never seen the only movie I’ve ever been in, I am pretty sure you won’t be able to see me. I was one of a few hundred extras and our job was to run away from an exploding score board. Where are you gonna be looking?
When we weren’t running from explosions, we all huddled in the hallway where the studio provided us with doughnuts. You would have thought we had never seen such delightful treats before. I remember people grabbing four, five, SIX whole boxes cradled in their arms and walking away laughing about how they got their free doughnuts. Of course, these were donuts meant to feed all 700 of us, and yes, you got 70 of them. Good luck with the diabetes.
And so the Burg turns.