Opening up Royal Road and Patreon

After reviewing several of the self publishing websites, I decided to open an account on Royal Road where I can publish serialized versions of my fantasy long form writing. No, it isn't "the dream" of getting picked up by a big four publisher, but so what. I've spent over a year querying agents and never once even got a personal response back. There is a difference between endurance and gluttony. Am I a bad writer? Am I a bad query letter writer? Does my fantasy novel stink? Is it bad timing in the industry since everyone has been home probably writing that dream novel over the last year? All of the above? Who knows. What can I do? So I am making the next best step forward I know to do, and that is to still get this book in front of readers who might enjoy it. Royal Road seems like a good way to try to do that. So, I also opened a Patreon account that I linked to Royal Road. This will let me see if anyone enjoys the book enough to chip in and help support future writing of that kind.

Here we go. I am nervous, but we never get anywhere if we just sit around biting our nails, right?

Royal Road:
